attorney reviews

Do Google Reviews for Lawyers Really Make a Difference?

The short answer is absolutely – Yes! The long answer, Google reviews for lawyers do make a difference, and your firm is missing out on significant business and qualified leads if you’re not taking advantage of this simple and cost effective marketing strategy. Do you read reviews before purchasing a product or service? Do you use reviews to compare products and gauge user experience? In the past, we would turn to friends and family for their thoughts and advice. Today we simply read online reviews. Here are a few statistics you should keep in mind: Over 95% of internet users

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Attorney Reviews – The Cornerstone of Your Law Firm’s Marketing Strategy

People do business with professionals they trust. Attracting and retaining long-term clientele is linked to an attorney’s reputation. It’s no secret that people look to attorney reviews when deciding on a product or service. The same goes when researching and hiring a lawyer! Providing clients with authentic reviews is the most effective way for establishing trust even before meeting your perspective client. However, the task of collecting, managing, and monitoring reviews can take up valuable attorney time, energy, and resources. However, using review management services and technology will reduce wasted time and help establish an effective client review process. With

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The Online Review Economy: From Personal Referrals to Client Reviews

People do business with people they trust.   Is obtaining client reviews worth our time? As an attorney, you value “word-of-mouth” recommendations and referrals. If a potential client needs a divorce attorney and you specialize in tax law, you’ll send them to a firm you’re proud to endorse. This generates goodwill on either end, and hopefully your colleagues will return the favor when the opportunity arises, but you can’t count on it. Online reviews are a much more effective source of generating leads. Reviews are simply more accessible to your vast target market, and they regularly produce a steady flow

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What Are the Top Review Sites For Lawyers?

As an attorney, you are busy with serving your clients and practicing law. You are committed to each and every case to the very end and you vehemently protect your client’s best interests. After each case, you know you have done your best and you’re typically very satisfied with the results. Your client is also extremely happy with the results, but how can your success be conveyed to other potential clients in a similar situation? As an attorney, you may be uncomfortable asking a client for a review of your services, but in the age of the internet, it is

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5 Key Things Attorneys Need To Know About Client Reviews

In today’s fast-paced society, many of your potential clients turn online to find reviews on your law firm. While attorneys may struggle to askclient for those reviews, you’ll find that a lack of reviews is a significant disadvantage when marketing your services online. If you market your law practice online (and who doesn’t these days), there are several key things you need to know about client reviews. 1. Consumers rely on client reviews to compare and choose attorneys. Online reviews have now become pervasive. Clients expect them, and they will go hunting for them in their effort to choose an

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The Transformation of Attorney Referrals – From Word of Mouth to Online Reviews

People no longer have just one lawyer handle all their affairs, whether it be the negotiation of a prenuptial agreement, purchase of a home, review of a business contract, filing for bankruptcy, or preparing a complex estate plan. There are two reasons for this. First, as the law has gotten increasingly complex, lawyers have begun to specialize. A real estate lawyer would think twice before representing a client in a complex immigration matter, at least if they wanted to keep their malpractice insurance premiums reasonable. Second, our mobile society means that people don’t form the same kind of business relationships

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